Frequently Asked Questions
Do you sell hunting License at Iowa Pheasants-N-More?
Yes we have a IOWA DNR License machine on site to sell you a License, however we recommend getting it ahead of time to avoid any delay in getting to the fields.
What do I need for a Hunting License?
Anyone born after 1972 will need their hunter education #, a SS# and drivers license to obtain a valid Iowa hunting license if you are going into the Iowa DNR system for the first time. If you have had a valid Iowa hunting license in the past you will need to present your birth date and either your Iowa DNR customer #, or the last 4 of your SS#.
If you are a non-resident or someone that only plans to hunt on a licensed hunting preserve during the season, you will only need to purchase an Iowa preserve license and habitat fee.
If you are a resident or non-resident of Iowa and you have never completed hunter education, you are allowed to obtain a license that allows you to hunt with someone that a valid Iowa hunting license. The Iowa DNR label this license as an “Apprentice license”, and it allows you to hunt for that season. However you can only get this license twice before they will then require you to have your hunter education.
To help speed up the check in process you can log into the Iowa DNR website and create your profile. You do not need to purchase any license at this time, however it just helps speed it up at check in.
To create a profile, if you do not already have one, click on this link: Iowa DNR
What time should I arrive for my Preserve hunt?
Please arrive 15 to 30 minutes before your hunt time.
Morning hunts start at 8:00 a.m.
Afternoon hunts start at 12:30 p.m.
What are the cost for the hunt and other accommodations?
All of our rates can be found by going to our web site and viewing our Hunting Rates page.
Can I shoot Roosters and Hens on the preserve?
YES, On a licensed hunting preserve in Iowa you can shoot Hens and Roosters.
Is there a limit on birds I can shoot?
Wild Bird Hunt Limits:
3 Roosters per day with a 12 bird possession limit. - Per IOWA DNR REGULATIONS
Preserve Hunt Limits:
3 pheasants per person per half day or customize your trip and have a set limit for that hunt. However, you can always harvest above your limit for an additional cost of $25 per pheasant.
What is the average tip for the guides?
The tip is on average $25 per person on a half day hunt, and $35 per person on a full day hunt. Please keep in mind these are averages and that larger group with higher bird limits gratuities can be higher. We always say tip on how your hunting experience was.
Do you mix hunting groups?
No. Groups are not mixed with other hunters. We accommodate individual hunters to large groups.
Are dogs allowed in the lodge?
Dogs are NOT allowed in the lodge but we have a heated garage with crates or enclosed 6X6 kennels. We also ask all of our guest to clean up after their dog, we have a waste station right inside of the enclosed kennels for your use.
Do you need a guide to hunt or can you bring your own dogs?
Your dogs are most definitely welcome and we encourage you to bring them. If you do not have any dogs we highly recommend getting a guide to make your experience more enjoyable . We manage our habitat to withstand harsh elements and last throughout the season, which creates some dense habitat conditions during the early part of the season.
What am I required to wear for blaze orange?
Iowa DNR requires a minimum of 50% of an article of clothing orange in color: hat, cap, vest, coat, jacket, sweatshirt, sweater, shirt or coveralls for upland hunting. We and Iowa DNR require everyone to have at minimum a Blaze Orange Hat
What are the hunting hours?
Wild bird: 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Preserve: 8:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. or 12:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Hours of the day you can call with your questions?
Hours to call: 8:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m.
Julie Fisher: 319-350-5900
Eric Fisher: 319-350-8746